










37000cm威尼斯一流学科特岗人才;贵州省铸造学会副秘书长;中国金属学会会员;有色金属智库专家;担任《Progress in Natural Science: Materials International》期刊青年编委以及《Journal of Materials Science & Technology》、《Materials Science and Engineering: A》、《Materials Characterization》等学术期刊审稿人


[1] 国家自然科学基金项目:激光诱导原位自生MX/MAX核壳颗粒增强钛基梯度涂层制备及其冲蚀磨损机理,52365020,主持,在研;

[2] 37000cm威尼斯自然科学专项(特岗)科研基金项目:铝基层状复合材料界面结构调控及强韧化研究,贵大特岗合字(2022)06号,主持,在研;

[3] 贵州省科学技术基金项目:磁控热/力耦合作用下的钛-铝协同增强复合结构设计及微观机制研究,黔科合基础-ZK[2023]078,主持,在研;

[4] 现代制造技术教育部重点实验室开放基金项目:航空用轻质钛/铝层状复合材料界面优化调控及其疲劳失效机理,GZUAMT2022KF[04],主持,在研;


[1] Taiqian MoHuaqiang Xiao, Bo Lin, Wei Li, Pengju Wang, Kai Ma. Improvement of mechanical properties of tri-metallic 7075Al/1060Al/304SS composite via collaborative strengthening behavior, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2022: 857:144072.Top期刊/SCI一区/IF: 6.044

[2] Taiqian MoHuaqiang Xiao, Bo Lin, Wei Li, Kai Ma. The influence of interface effect on the microstructure and mechanical behavior of tri-metal Ti/Al/Cu laminated metal composites, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2022, 19:520-531.Top期刊/SCI一区/IF: 6.267

[3] Taiqian MoHuaqiang Xiao, Bo Lin, Wei Li, Kai Ma. Improving ductility and anisotropy by dynamic recrystallization in Ti/Mg laminated metal composite, Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters), 2022, 35:1946-1958.Top期刊/SCI二区/IF: 3.024

[4] Boxin Li, Taiqian Mo. microstructure and mechanical properties of explosive bonded Ti/Steel plates processed by single-pass large strain rolling, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2022, 08SCI三区/IF: 2.036

[5] Taiqian Mo, Zejun Chen, Dayu Zhou, Guangming Lu, Yongmeng Huang, Qing Liu. Effect of lamellar structural parameters on the bending fracture behavior of AA1100/AA7075 laminated metal composites. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2021, 99:28-38. Top期刊/SCI一区/IF: 10.320

[6] Taiqian Mo, Zejun Chen, Zhansong Zhou, Jiangjiang Liu, Weijun He, Qing Liu. Enhancing of mechanical properties of 1100/7075 Al alloys laminated metal composite by thermo-mechanical treatments. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2020, 9:140313. Top期刊/SCI一区/IF: 6.044

[7] Taiqian Mo, Jie Chen, Zejun Chen, Jiangjiang Liu, Zhansong Zhou, Weijun He, Qing Liu. Effect of intermetallic compounds (IMCs) on the interfacial bonding strength and mechanical properties of pre-rolling diffusion ARBed Al/Ti laminated metal composites. Materials Characterization, 2020, 10:110731. Top期刊/SCI一区/IF: 4.537

[8] Taiqian Mo, Zejun Chen, Boxin Li, Pengju Wang, Qing Liu. Tailoring of interface structure and mechanical properties in ARBed 1100/7075 laminated metal composites by cold rolling. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2019, 755:97-105. Top期刊/SCI一区/IF: 6.044

[9] Taiqian Mo, Zejun Chen, Hao Chen, Chao Hu, Weijun He, Qing Liu. Multiscale interfacial structure strengthening effect in Al alloy laminated metal composites fabricated by accumulative roll bonding. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2019, 766:138354. Top期刊/SCI一区/IF: 6.044

[10] Taiqian Mo, Zejun Chen, Boxin Li, Hongtao Huang, Weijun He, Qing Liu. Effect of cross rolling on the interface morphology and mechanical properties of ARBed AA1100/AA7075 laminated metal composites. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019, 805:617-623. Top期刊/SCI二区/IF: 5.316

[11] Taiqian Mo, Zejun Chen, Hongtao Huang, Jianshu Lin, Qing Liu. Effect of two-step annealing on recrystallized structure and mechanical properties in AA7075/AA1100 laminated metal composites processed by accumulative roll bonding. Materials Characterization, 2019, 158:109951. Top期刊/SCI一区/IF: 4.537

[12] Taiqian Mo, Jie Chen, Zejun Chen, Weijun He, Qing Liu. Microstructure evolution during roll bonding and growth of interfacial intermetallic compounds in Al/Ti/Al laminated metal composites. JOM, 2019, 71:4769-4777. SCI三区/IF: 2.471

[13] Boxin Li, Weijun He, Zejun Chen, Taiqian Mo, Lin Peng, Jun Li, Qing Liu. Influence of annealing on the microstructure, interfacial compounds and mechanical properties of hot rolling bonded Ti/steel clad plate with bimetallic interlayered steel and vanadium. Materials Science & Engineering A, 2019, 764:138227. Top期刊/SCI一区/IF: 6.044

[14] Pengju Wang, Zejun Chen, Chao Hu, Boxin Li, Taiqian Mo, Qing Liu. Effects of annealing on the interfacial structures and mechanical properties of hot roll bonded Al/Mg clad sheets. Materials Science & Engineering A, 792 (2020) 139673. Top期刊/SCI一区/IF: 6.044

一种预冷轧扩散的钛/铝层状复合板制备技术. 201910418252.9

一种层状金属复合材料性能的评价方法. 2023114349407

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